We Are Such Stuff | Deen van Meer

September 20, 2022 my book was launched in the Netherlands. It has been beautifully designed by Teun van der Heijden and Sandra van der Doelen (Heijdens Karwei). The book is 9.5×13 inches (24×34 cm) and consists of 200 pages with more than 100 photos of my 30-year long career in theater photography.
It is published by Lecturis/Ideabooks.nl
ISBN 9789462264397

You can order your copy directly from me or a bookstore near you.
The price is €48,50 in Europe or $60.00 in the US (including postage).
(unless you have a discount code)

NL account:
NL71 INGB 0003 5603 88 BIC INGBNL2A
US account:
778020278 routing number 021000021

add your discount code (if applicable), email- and home address and the book will be delivered to your doorstep

Some pages from the book:

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